Online training:




Training materials

The aim of the 16 training modules is to promote ecological competence through teaching modules on the following topics: How Nature Works, How Humans Impact Earth’s Natural Systems, Sustainability and the Circular Economy, Green Entrepreneurship, Solutions for the Future, Entrepreneurial Ideas to Restore Earth’s Natural Systems. Participants can acquire ecological knowledge and green entrepreneurship.

The modules consist of lessons with videos, texts and images.

The order of the modules is irrelevant. You can use all modules one after the other or only those in which you want to acquire additional knowledge.


The aim of the 16 training modules is to promote ecological competence through teaching modules on the following topics: How Nature Works, How Humans Impact Earth’s Natural Systems, Sustainability and the Circular Economy, Green Entrepreneurship, Solutions for the Future, Entrepreneurial Ideas to Restore Earth’s Natural Systems. Participants can acquire ecological knowledge and green entrepreneurship.

The modules consist of lessons with videos, texts and images.

The order of the modules is irrelevant. You can use all modules one after the other or only those in which you want to acquire additional knowledge.


Technological Innovation


Technological innovations result when new rules and ideas find practical use through being applied and/or commercialized by entrepreneurs.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.

Sustainable Development Goals


The Sustainable Development Goals are 17 ambitious, comprehensive, and universal goals that were adopted by all UN member states in 2015. They are designed to improve the lives of people around the world by 2030.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Sustainable Development


Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a holistic approach that considers the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of development.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.




Sustainability is about meeting our needs without using up all of the planet’s resources. It is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to create a better future for all.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Skills for Green Entrepreneurship


Green entrepreneurship requires a strong understanding of sustainability, the ability to think creatively, and the ability to communicate effectively


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Module 5

Regenerative living


Regenerative living is a way of life that heals the earth and benefits all living things. It is about restoring the natural world and creating a more sustainable future.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Organizational Leadership


Organizational leadership is the art of inspiring and motivating people to work together to achieve common goals.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Nature-Based Solutions


Nature-based solutions are actions that work with nature to benefit people and the planet – e.g. restoring wetlands can help to mitigate flooding and improve water quality.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Green Business Plan


A green business plan is a document that helps a business to plan and implement actions to reduce its environmental impact. 


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Ecosystem Services


Ecosystem services are the benefits that people receive from ecosystems. They are the ways in which ecosystems support human well-being.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Eco Design


Eco design is a way of thinking about the environmental impact of products and services from the very beginning of their design.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Climate Change


Climate change is one of the most important challenges facing humanity. The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world, including sea level rise, extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and more.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


Circular Economy


Circular economy is a model of production and consumption that seeks to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials at their highest value, and regenerate nature.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.




The bioeconomy is a promising approach to addressing the challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and pollution. By using biological resources in a sustainable way, we can create a more sustainable and resilient economy for the future.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.




Biodiversity is essential for the health of our planet. It provides us with food, clean air and water, and a variety of other resources. Biodiversity also plays a role in regulating the climate and preventing the spread of disease.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.


3Rs Concept


The 3Rs concept of economy is an acronym for reduce, reuse, recycle, which means reduction, reuse, and recycling. These are three fundamental strategies that are important for transitioning to a more sustainable economy.


You can watch a video where you have the option of selecting subtitles in the national language and downloading an info text in the language of your choice.