A guide
How to be a green company guide is the first publication of Connect to Nature – Care Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of European Commission under cooperation partnership in youth call. The project has been developed between 6 partners from Slovenia (Ekonomska šola Novo mesto) – coordinator, Turkey (Nature Conservation Centre), Austria (Innovation Education Centre), Italy (CIAPE), Spain (UCAM University) and Portugal (Rightchallenge).
In Connect to Nature Project – Care, we explore the importance of youth employment in the green business. The purpose of this guide is to examine the knowledge, attitudes and habits of young people regarding green literacy, as well as to analyse and describe green start-ups that can create a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs.
The following sections include the key concepts of circular economy, the consumers in circular economy survey, a review of good examples of circular economy start-ups in each country and the key topics as best practices developed by the green companies.
You can download the guide in English or in the national languages of the partner countries.