This project assignment taught me many new skills in video promotion, video making, story writing, photography and using video to convey a message. I also had the opportunity to apply the knowledge learned in class. I learned a lot of new knowledge that will come in handy in the future. I also got the idea to choose the new equipment used, which will be great for making and advancing my business in this field.
I would like to thank Simon Jeraj, who was my mentor in practice and gave me a lot of valuable advice that helped me not only in the field of video production, but also in the field of discipline and the realization of my goals.
I would also like to thank my mentor Uroš Raztredel for his approach to lecture classes. In attending your watches, I gained a lot of knowledge about the manufacture and use of equipment in video recording and production. And it is a knowledge that I intend to apply throughout my entire life.

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